10 Insightful Habits of Highly-Successful Teachers That You Can Imitate

Great teachers work hard to become highly successful. They are indeed exceptional. To further elaborate on their amazing teaching adroitness and outstanding practices, I gladly present the habits of highly successful teachers that you can imitate.

habits of effective teachers

By reading examples of great teaching works, I become a more determined teacher. Hence, I can say that this technique has been effective especially for me. This can be enlightening to you too.

There are instances when we come to ponder that we need to refurbish our styles and get in pure detail the examples of others that can be magical on our part.

Expert teachers blow a cool breeze on our teaching dubiety. I feel this at times, especially if stress encroaches on me that affects my well-being. But even in moments of doubt, I never lose my teaching hopes and dreams.

All I need is an inspiration. For this reason, I came up with the idea of sharing habits of highly successful teachers that you can imitate.

This article aims to extend and tap the best practices of great teachers as they always lead by their good examples in the teaching field.


<<Looking for inspiration?  Read about phenomenal educators and find out how their insightful habits make a big difference in the lives of their students.

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10 Champ Habits of Highly-Successful Teachers That You Can Imitate

Great teachers display great teaching habits that really made them highly successful in the field. The good news is, we can emulate their teaching styles and be the best version of ourselves as educators.

1. Successful teachers display perseverance and patience.

willing to extend a great deal of effort

Teaching has never been easy. But there are teachers who overcome all the teaching challenges through perseverance and patience.

Teachers who have been successful in their profession persevered a lot. I really floundered on how to gain that strong attitude of determination so I can delve more into my teaching career and bring out the best in my students. This requires patience too.  I can say this is because the diversity of learners and learning styles really needs the utmost patience of a persevering teacher.

That’s what I assess.

Hence, I express my endless appreciation to my great mentors who have been my good examples of determined educators. I really admire them for their dedication and commitment. That being so, as an educator myself, I am also doing my best to give the best education to my students. They deserve it. And they need my competence and dedication.

Here’s a video that magnifies the power of passion and perseverance in teaching.

2. Successful teachers internalize their teaching mission and vision.

Great teachers are set for a mission as they envision making a big difference in their students’ lives. As they envisage a classroom full of optimism and transform it into a positive learning environment, they are channeling their great teaching interests. They internalize their teaching mission and vision.

I find this thought really valuable. On that account, I consider it on the list.

Conveying my teaching mission to my students is done through my actions. I deeply know that I am responsible for the massive success in their lives. So, the first thing I should do is to internalize my teaching mission and the vision of the institution I am connected to.  Again, I got this idea from a brilliant teacher I know.  Her teaching mission was incredible and it has inspired me a lot.

As a consequence, I imitated her and you might too!

3. Successful teachers love what they’re doing.

Successful teachers discussed less. They value student engagement and they plan for it.

Doing so requires love for one’s work. Every teacher must love teaching. If one doesn’t love what he or she is doing, then things will turn out to be half-baked and unproductive.

I know that teaching is not for everyone. It’s only for those who have an in-depth passion to fuel motivation among learners. Hence, teaching has become a part of myself, too. I truly love being a part of my students’ lives.

Day in and day out,  we teachers make a difference. As I build a strong relationship with my students, I become more compassionate about them. Certainly, I enjoy what I’m doing because I have students who have been successful in life and they never forget to always get in touch with me. It’s a manifestation that I have done something great in their lives.

4. Successful teachers develop strong relationships with their students.

Successful teachers draw their students closer instead of pushing them away. They manage to stay pleasant at all times.

For the classroom to become a productive and positive learning environment, teachers should initiate building a strong relationship with their students. It’s a foundation for successful learning.

This habit calls for the strong classroom management skills of the teacher. Having a trusting relationship with students doesn’t mean however that we will tolerate any student misbehavior. Of course, we should implement classroom rules and expectations. This will guide our learners on what they should do and how they should behave.

After all, a successful teacher should in any way model good behavior and patience to students so they will follow suit.

5. Successful teachers always prepare for each teaching day.

successful teachers are always prepared

The most common advice I get from my superiors in order to become successful in teaching is to always start the day afresh and always prepare for each teaching day.

As I proactively perform my duties and responsibilities, I am making sure that my students gain something from me. It completes my day seeing them performing the tasks and participating in the discussion. What should I do? I never come to school unprepared. It makes me uncomfortable and will disappoint my students.

If you do nothing else, your students will feel incomplete and get frustrated.

I don’t want this scenario to happen. So, I religiously prepare my daily lesson plans and prepare my interactive visual aids. I use technology to enhance learning and to captivate students’ interests. It has been an important part of my daily preparations.

Moreover, teachers should not only prepare for the daily instruction but also make sure that each student is ready to learn. Thus, proper motivational techniques should play in the core.  I know this is somewhat one of the challenges teachers face but it should be done sincerely.

6. Successful teachers equip themselves with varied teaching strategies.

The key is to equip ourselves with varied teaching strategies. This makes our lessons interesting and engaging. Lecturing all the time kills the time and makes students bored. There are concepts that need to be lectured but should be done interactively. A simple question and answer strategy may help.

Not only is this effective to engage students but also to ensure student achievement. As teachers, we should pay attention to our strategies for differentiated instruction for it considers the diversity of learners. We all know that our students have varied abilities and personalities.

Hence, to become successful in teaching, creating a dynamic learning environment should be one of our priorities as we aim to meet students’ individual needs. Thus, I should say that successful teachers are effective teachers.

As a simple note: There’s no one-size=fits-all teaching strategy.

7. Successful teachers set high expectations for their students.

Being an effective teacher requires setting high expectations for students. If you’ve been doing this from the start, you are making a difference in your classroom practice. Hence, you can be a successful teacher and your students must be very confident.

Yes, it boosts students’ self-esteem if they know that you are expecting them to do great.  By setting high expectations, your students will know that you believe in their ability to learn. This makes them work really hard and exert a great deal of effort on their performance.

Setting clear learning and behavior expectations since day one is a way of telling students that they can achieve greater through hard work and persistence. As teachers, we should support our expectations with our best teaching strategies and effective classroom management plan.

8. Successful teachers always follow up with their students.

Students will exhibit resilience and engagement if they know that their teacher is supporting them and is very concerned with their success. As teachers, our enthusiasm should not end when lesson presentations and activities end. It should go on and on.

We should make a follow-up, especially on our struggling students. What do I do with them to make them feel that I am in full support of their goals in reaching their potential? I give them reinforcements and remediation in a way that won’t make them feel less like students. I make them understand that it’s beneficial for them.

9. Successful teachers connect with their student’s parents.

Successful teachers establish a strong relationship with students’ parents. They are strongly banking on positive parent-teacher relationships. Likewise, it’s my belief too.

When teachers and parents gracefully connect with one another, it fosters an indispensable support system. It signifies the positive academic and personal growth of children.  Significantly, the open communication established by the teacher to the parents is a way of promoting student progress.

Having a regular parent-teacher conference, for example, is a great way towards an effective relationship between two groups. This can be an avenue to discuss the status of student performance and to decide on doable solutions with regards to student misbehavior and many other concerns.

A simple note: A great teacher initiates activities that involve the students’ parents for it can strengthen the bond with them. Once this is done, the parent’s involvement in the education of the child is given importance which directly impacts the long-term success of their children.

10. Successful teachers collaborate.

collaborating with other teachers

Working with my co-teachers in the school adds to my confidence that I can dynamically work for students’ success. As we delegate tasks, our professional and personal relationships prosper. That is why I included teacher collaboration as a great habit of successful teachers.

Successful teachers share responsibilities and help one another for school improvement and for keeping updated on educational trends. The sharing of best teaching practices works wonders. Thus, teacher collaboration has been emphasized recently.

Working together helps teachers build community in the teaching profession that further enhances student learning. When teachers collaborate, they give importance to the value of creating a positive and trusting learning environment.

In consolidation…

Successful teachers enhance teaching and learning. Their sprightly means of dealing with student differences are very remarkable and they are worthy of emulation.

Furthermore, their positive attitude towards teaching fosters their sense of purpose which is a breeding ground for student success. They just don’t easily give up on giving high-quality education to their students.

Do you have a big picture of being a successful teacher? Are you willing to extend a great deal of effort in the name of student education? Have we missed certain things that successful teachers do?


  1. Mercedita M Demoral April 16, 2021
    • Oscar April 22, 2021