How Can I Operate A Bluetooth Speaker: 4 useful tips!

The Bluetooth speaker has never been more popular than it is now. We see everyone using it, our neighbors, friends, and families. For more efficacy, I find it constructive to ask – how can I operate a Bluetooth speaker?

Even teachers are taking advantage of this technology to maximize learning capabilities in the classroom—and they seem to be a teacher favorite now too! 

There are many advantages of using Bluetooth speakers in the classroom, and to reap all of the beneficial impacts of using it for the classroom, you must first learn how to operate it before giving it a go in class. 

how can I operate a Bluetooth speaker

So if it’s your first time getting yourself a Bluetooth speaker or planning to get yourself one you might be asking yourself, “How can I operate A Bluetooth Speaker?”. Don’t worry, I got you.

If you’re also trying to look for the Best Bluetooth Speakers that teachers can use in the classroom, you can find out more about it here! 


Looking for the best Bluetooth speaker? Check out our list of the 18 most ideal ones for teachers in 2021.

Click Here to Learn More--->


How Can I Operate A Bluetooth Speaker: 4 useful tips!

Bluetooth speakers can be paired with your smartphone, tablet, laptop, and other devices that can be paired up with an amazingly portable and powerful device which is the Bluetooth speaker. 

Operating a Bluetooth speaker is not rocket science, it should be as stress-free and easy as 1-2-3—but different models and makes require different methods for it to operate. 

Pairing it up should be easy but there are factors that can affect pairing making it more complicated than it should be. You surely don’t want to end up troubleshooting it for about half an hour in front of your class, right? 

1.) Prepare Your Bluetooth Speaker Before Use 

Like any other gadget that you use, prepping it up before use is the first step to successfully operating it. Bluetooth speakers are fairly easy to operate and even kids know how to use them. 

But keep in mind that not all Bluetooth speakers work the same, some might need to be plugged in when in use, while others that are battery operated need fully charged batteries, and rechargeable ones need to be fully charged prior to use. 

The Bluetooth speaker that I use at home requires to be plugged in when in use, and I also have one that can be used as long as it was charged sufficiently before using it. 

Others can be used while it’s charging, but I did encounter a Bluetooth speaker that needs to be fully charged first before you can use it. 

The best way to know how to prepare a Bluetooth speaker before using it is to read the manual that it comes with. I know that it sounds boring and it can be long at times but you’ll be surprised with tips and tricks from the manufacturer on how you can fully enjoy using the device you have purchased.

After knowing how to prepare the Bluetooth speaker, your next step would be is to make the device discoverable by other devices, and by that I mean your mobile phone, tablet, laptop, or other devices as well. 

Some speakers automatically let themselves be discoverable by other devices, while other Bluetooth speakers have a pre-set button to make them discoverable. This is why it’s best to read the instruction manual to know how to properly operate it. 

2.) Know how to connect the Bluetooth Speaker to your devices

Bluetooth Speakers are highly versatile and can be paired up with different types of devices via Bluetooth technology, if your device does not have Bluetooth capabilities then you might not be able to use it and pair it up with your device. 

But do not fret, as almost all of the gadgets especially mobile devices, tablets, and laptops are now equipped with Bluetooth technology. 

Once you have made your Bluetooth speaker discoverable, it’s time for you to pair it up with your device. 

If you’re using a Windows Computer you can follow these steps:

Click on Start or the Windows button > Click on “Settings” (Gear Icon) > Click on “Devices” (Keyboard&Speaker Icon) > Click on the “+” button that says “Add Bluetooth or other devices”

A shortcut for Windows Computer:

Click on Start or the Windows button or Search button > type in “Bluetooth” > then you’ll be able to see the same options as the same one above

Now for Mac Users, you can follow these steps:

On your Mac, choose the Apple Menu (Apple Logo) >  Click on “System Preferences” > Then click on “Bluetooth” > You can then select the device in the list and click on connect to pair it up.

If a prompt appears just click on “Accept” or enter a code for pairing which is usually from the Bluetooth speaker. 

For iPhones and iPads:

On your iPhone, go to “Settings” > Tap on “Bluetooth” and turn on the toggle, the name of your Bluetooth Speaker should appear on this screen > tap on it to complete the pairing process. 

You might be required to put in a passcode, this can be seen on the instruction manual of your Bluetooth speaker. 

For Android Phones and Tablet: 

Swipe down from the top of your screen > Long press on the Bluetooth icon > Tap on “Pair a new device”, if not seen on-screen scroll to the bottom part of the screen under “Available Devices” or tap on “More” or “Scan” > Tap the name of your Bluetooth Speaker 

Follow any on-screen instructions to complete the pairing process. If you’re being asked for a passcode but don’t have it try entering “0000” or “1234”.

For Other Devices:

The use of Bluetooth Speakers is not limited to mobile devices, tablets, and laptops only. They can also be paired up with Smart TVs and other Bluetooth-enabled devices, the pairing process will highly depend on the device you are wanting to pair it up with. 

You can check the product manual of your device on how you can pair it up with a Bluetooth speaker. 

3.) Learning How to Troubleshoot

If it’s not connecting or pairing with the device you are intending to use with it, there are a few factors that might hinder your device from successfully connecting to the Bluetooth Speaker. 

The most common causes of pairing and connecting difficulty are; The Bluetooth speaker or your device is already connected to a different Bluetooth device. 

This can happen especially in the classroom where different devices can be already paired to the speaker, you can try to check your other devices or reset the Bluetooth speaker itself. 

You can also try to reset your mobile device, tablet, or laptop and see if that works. You can try to unpair and pair the Bluetooth speaker again, and that usually does the trick. 

You also need to have them as close as possible when you are trying to pair or connect them, keep in mind that Bluetooth devices can only operate within the range of 33 feet or 10 meters. 

You can also minimize the interference between your device and the Bluetooth speaker. Walls and other wireless signals can also affect the connectivity of Bluetooth speakers to other devices. It’s best to operate the Bluetooth speaker when you’re in the same room. 


There are many advantages to using a Bluetooth speaker in the classroom. You don’t have to get tangled up with wires, it’s wireless without any complications of plugging it in and out. You just have to make sure that it’s fully charged prior to use. 

It also consumes less power compared to regular speakers which are great for the environment.  It is also highly portable which is the main selling point of Bluetooth speakers. They are constructed to be convenient and powerful at the same time. 

Bluetooth speakers also do not require any major setup or installation, preparing them for first use is also easy as pie. These are some of the reasons why teachers should take advantage of Bluetooth speakers in the classroom. 

Once you get to know how to use them to help with your teaching strategies, you will surely find the Bluetooth speaker a friend helping you educate the young minds of the future generation. 

Have you tried using a Bluetooth speaker for your classroom? How was your experience? I heard other teachers are also using it as a microphone, how about that! 

Please sound off below, and let us know your thoughts about it!