How Can Teachers Improve Communication Skills Naturally?

Teachers already communicate well. Yet many continue to struggle with a lack of personal rapport when talking in front of people. If the ability to speak and listen is already innate in teaching professionals, how can teachers improve communication skills in a way that trains them to master the skill naturally?

man speakingThe cause of failure

The top reason for failure in communication is the careless organization of thoughts that often leads the speaker to jumble. This misleading manner of communicating is felt by listeners and can have a direct influence on the outcome of a situation.

When you communicate efficiently, you build a shared trust that improves learning and relationships. Whether in the classroom, faculty, in parents’ meetings, or in public engagements; it models positive social interactions that benefit everyone.

In your case as a teacher, there is no way to contribute to academic success than beating a lack of communication by improving your stance.


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How Can Teachers Improve Communication Skills Naturally?

Your challenge…

If effective communication provides a better understanding, how do you improve your manner of communication and avoid the failure to understand something correctly?

1) Think carefully before you speak

While it is fine to speak without a lot of thought and you are free to express whatever occurs in your mind; planning your speech remains more effective because it lets you think in advance.

Thinking before speaking puts you in control and you have all the freedom to choose the right words. You can plump for inspiring terms that encourage listeners. You don’t want to risk your speech by saying things you don’t mean.

The same is true when sending emails. Check your message before hitting send.


2) Go direct to the point but sweet

Definitely, your listeners are learners. Students have short attention spans —  the longer you speak — the shorter their interest can go. Therefore take advantage of the time their brains are actively digesting and then presenting topics one after another.

Sweeter? Yes, this is in line with the sense that all listeners, colleagues, parents, or students want to hear what you have to say. But note that these people do not wish to spend a big portion of their time sitting and listening. So when it’s direct to the point, it’s more compelling and you captivate them.


3) Speak slowly and confidently

Pay attention to what has to be discussed. A good outline can help organize a speech that has it all. Speak with conviction so you can easily remember and explain every little detail of what you want to convey.

Above all, speak slowly but clearly. Not rushing to talk helps inject more weight and emotion into your sentences. Because there are fewer but surer words to utter, you are in control and relaxed. You’ll be able to keep away from the filler words “um, “ah,” “so,” or “well.”


4) Use a Conversational Tone

When a speaker talks in a conversational tone, it makes everything sound like just plain talking. Just like how telling a story goes far beyond simply relaying information, but emotionalizing them.

A friendly voice announces your presence. You are able to invite the audience to hear, engage, and share. Talk with a smile and let people connect with your message in a deeper, more meaningful way. It’s in line with the adage – It’s not just about what you say, it’s how you say it.


5) Be an active listener

The best kind of listening is more on being comfortable letting others know they matter. You are listening intently when your mind is not wandering about what to say next, or what question to ask.

Asking relevant questions and acknowledging comments send a powerful signal to listeners that your attention is on them. Active listening generates a positive atmosphere for sharing. It encourages interaction.


6) Don’t forget body language

Your posture, facial expressions, and gestures are powerful non-verbal communication cues that read the way you look, listen, and react. Here, listeners can tell whether you’re truthful or not.

Maintaining eye contact portrays a lively spirit that instantly connects. When your gestures and emotions sync with the words you’re saying –it automatically stimulates trust and rapport. That’s how powerful body language can improve your communication skills.


7) Engage your listeners

The best way to keep young people or adults with you is to engage them. Creating desire in your listeners and then filling that desire with your ideas moves them to adopt your stance.

Get them interested. Encourage sharing and asking questions. Acknowledge different views. Tell a joke, but make sure to incorporate humor naturally. Share a personal experience, describe a scene, or ask them to give a round of applause when someone shares something.


8) When faced with challenges

If a negative strike from the audience comes in, don’t panic. Welcome it with a happy vibe, instead. Tell yourself, “Wow, they’re engaging!” Be very understanding so you don’t overreact. The hint is not to debate to avoid getting defensive.

Dissipate the negative energy at once by offsetting it with something positive. Choose not to say something pessimistic and think before you speak (no.1 above). One strategy is humor or happy thoughts that can present the two sides of the strike. This helps neutralize the situation.

If you get tense, the negative energy will escalate. Remember, you are in charge so don’t be afraid to take control.


9) Practice. Believe. Express

Your class is the perfect audience to practice communication skills. Encourage questions and answers then look at their reaction. Have you engaged them? Actively? Talk to yourself, listen to yourself, and watch yourself talk — do you sound appealing or dull?

Did you know that mastering your pronunciation is exciting training? You’ll be motivated to hear yourself speaking eloquently. With the correct sounds, listeners will be delighted with what they hear. Plus, they quickly will understand what you’re trying to say. Well then, charm them with the way you speak.


10) Dress to the nines

When invited to a speaking engagement, choose clothes that make you feel extremely comfortable. Knowing that you’re well-dressed exudes more confidence, more conviction, and more power. Awe everyone with an admirable impression right from the start.

Note that appearing too casual creates a bad impression. But don’t overdress. Dressing a little higher but not worse than your audience is the key. If you think a suit is best for a certain crowd, go for it. Even in regular school days, you are supposed to come in your best of best.



One question that always comes up when teachers talk about communication skills is – do I have them? If you’re not sure, then practice.

Do you know why I am confident that all of the above works perfectly? Because I have tried them myself. Trust me, the pronunciation training part pushed everything up. Little did I know, I have charmed my audience with the manner I enunciate most words. Isn’t that a wow?

Learning how to communicate well can be accomplished even while just teaching, chatting with friends, exchanging emails, and talking to yourself. The moment you realize that speaking and dealing with your class is the perfect opportunity – everything will begin to come out naturally.

Did I miss something? You might have more tips to add to the list, share them with us in the comments.