How Can Teachers Improve Their Performance? 5 Best Ways

Teachers should be equipped for the job. Hence, thorough evaluations are done to know how well teachers teach and how can teachers improve their performance.

improving teacher performance

However, some teachers feel intimidated and conscious whenever there are school evaluations. There are negative connotations for them. But for me as a teacher, evaluations are crucial in improving a teacher’s performance. I need it to ensure that I am still on the right track with my teaching profession and to know exactly in which areas I need significant improvement.

I am eager to learn new things hence, I always love to collaborate with other teachers in the field. I find it really useful. How to be an effective teacher needs great work. But there are some who are innately great and teach from the heart. Their exemplary performances bring desirable results in terms of increasing student performance. It’s laudable.

There are so many ways that can help teachers improve their performance and I’d like to share a few that I have tried.


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How Can Teachers Improve Their Performance?

Teachers work hard to improve their craft. And I am one of them. I am working hard for efficacy. I always give what’s best for my students. Hence, I never stop learning. Let me present the ways on how to improve our performances as teachers.

1. Attend seminars and in-service training

Great teachers always look for ways to perform best in the classroom and to fill themselves with the necessary skills to foster quality student learning. Even veteran education professionals need assistance to improve their ways of delivering instruction. And attending seminars is the easiest way to keep one’s self updated on the trends in education.

Wanting to learn more, I attend seminars and in-service training for teachers. I’m always excited about new learning opportunities that help me teach effectively.  Our school always conducts in-service training for all teachers and I take it as an opportunity to enrich myself with new teaching strategies.

If the teacher finds all the means to improve his/her performance, it directly affects the performance of the students as well. Even though I have been employed for years and I have been gaining meaningful teaching experiences, I always look forward to attending seminars and training. For me, there’s always something new in teaching and I am very eager to learn and adopt them all.

2. Collaborate with other teachers

importance of collaboration

Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash

Our colleagues or fellow teachers can help us expand our teaching horizons. For me, collaboration is an innovative way of learning new things and improving our performance as teachers. We just have to admit that we need assistance and support.

The more we collaborate with other teachers, the more we can improve students’ learning outcomes. Brainstorming and problem-solving together help us come up with great ideas that will improve teaching and learning.

Moreover, collaboration in education is a way of building strong relationships in the workplace. When teachers share common goals for student achievement, they are also enhancing a positive working environment not just the learning environment of the children.

Active collaboration works wonders for the well-being of the students as well as for the improvement of teacher performance. A teaching environment that emphasizes collaboration is more likely engaging and motivating. It is in a sense building a community in the teaching field.

Teachers who work collaboratively strengthen their capabilities and hone their weaknesses with a profound respect for one another. The sharing of ideas and discussion of approaches can have a direct impact on the teacher’s performance. Hence, I find collaboration in teaching very important.

3. Seek assistance with Master Teachers

Coaching in the teaching field can help improve a teacher’s performance. Teachers who are new to the service must be open to any professional assistance given by master teachers or educators with profound expertise in the field.

I know that the initial years of teaching are overwhelming. Newbies really need assistance in lesson planning and classroom management. If it requires them to observe instructions then so be it.

For me, one way of improving teacher effectiveness is by letting the master teachers of your subject area observe how you teach.  I have been doing this and I find it effective. I usually have a record of what transpires during pre and post-conferences. I am excited to know what went well and what went wrong.

I am just very open to suggestions and recommendations. I never act as if I know everything. I accept the fact that I am not a perfect teacher. There can be specific areas that I’m good at and there are certain portions that I need utmost assistance with. There’s always room for improvement, which is why I seek assistance from my superiors or with other teachers.

4. Pursue post-graduate studies

pursue master's level

Teachers must carry on learning. I believe in the importance of master’s level study.  Hence, you should enroll in your post-graduate studies to enhance your teaching skills and to raise your teaching status.  Since we need to give our students excellent instruction, we have to keep ourselves updated with new teaching strategies, so we should continue to study.

The skills we gained in our baccalaureate degree may not be enough as there are changes in the educational setting that we need to adapt to. Therefore, to help raise the quality of teaching, I pursue my master’s degree. It takes time, money, and effort but it’s really worth it.

5. Attend one-on-one mentorship programs

One way to have a transformational change in the performance of teachers is by attending one-on-one mentorship programs. Increasing the professionalism of teachers may deal with mentoring. There are education specialists who are willing to help teachers become better professionals.

One-on-one mentoring is a strategy to help teachers succeed in the classroom. Education program supervisors can offer mentorship programs to teachers under their leadership. This strategy has magnified effects on student achievement other than increasing the performance of teachers. Usually, education supervisors will require teachers to make their individual teaching plans and areas of accomplishment.

Mentoring has, at best, helped teachers, especially those who are new to the service,  gain the necessary skills needed to promote quality student learning. The interaction between mentors and mentees will not only be the basis of practical solutions in improving teachers’ performance but also enhance a strong bond between them. The exchange of ideas and experiences in the mentoring process develops structures that can help support student learning.


Teachers are the dispensers of knowledge to the students. And they know exactly what it takes to be an effective teacher.

Great teachers are always eager to learn and adapt to new approaches. School leaders also aim to give their teachers the best support so they can become effective in their roles.

Improving one’s performance in teaching takes time to develop. This requires patience,  sincerity, skills, and practice. Realistically, a teacher’s quality affects a student’s performance. Therefore, inefficiency in teaching needs to be addressed properly to boost teacher performance.

Have we missed anything with regards to improving a teacher’s performance? Drop your ideas below and together we will work towards improving teacher quality.