How Do I Get Rid of Static on My Mic? 8 Things You Need to Know

Audio problems are a part of using an audio device. However, static noises like these are annoying. Sounds inconvenient but it’s reality – microphones pick static noise everywhere.

How do I get rid of static on my mic?

With sound being present everywhere also comes noise as a constant part of it. If your microphone is picking up overwhelming static, there are steps you can master to lessen the noise. Let’s go dig more about what causes static and if we can stop it.

static on microphone


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Understanding static

According to Wikipedia,

“In radio reception, radio noise is unwanted random radio frequency electrical signals, fluctuating voltages, always present in a radio receiver in addition to the desired radio signal.”

In other words, if sound reaches the listener’s ears as normal waves in the air or media, a weak radio source carries a lower amplitude noise that disturbs the signal and creates the unwanted noise referred to as static.

The level of noise determines a radio receiver’s maximum reception. When signals cannot sense noise in that range, the receiver is sensitive enough to pick up even the weakest transmissions from any distance. Having a weak source of radio signal affects the way a receiver detects and accepts signals from a user’s end.

In reality, static is caused by discharges of unvarying static electricity in the upper atmosphere. Therefore those static, feedback, echo, can be due to any unwanted noise disturbing and altering the audio connection during your class or meeting.

The video below is an example of static noise sound effects. 

How do I get rid of static on my mic?

This is now why experts come up with different expertise — to filter or eliminate static noise. Did you know that an external microphone is vulnerable to static noise as compared to an internal mic?

1) Secure your jack properly 

One of the most common reasons for audio feedback is improper placement of hardware or a misconfiguration of software settings. It could be that your jack or plug did not properly connect because you did not push it further into the plughole, or you plugged it into the wrong port.

Also, you can unplug your microphone or headset from the computer and try plugging it back in. Still not working? Try another port. To determine which plug hole is which, use a torchlight, or get yourself familiar with the colors of your cables. If it seems not working, try the next fix below.

2) Use the correct jack

Many of us believe that all audio jacks are the same and that we simply have to plug it and we’re good. Well, we need to know that the wrong jack can affect sound quality and can potentially damage your device.

A mic or headset with a mini-jack can get static from anywhere. This is due to the jack’s size that doesn’t fit tightly in the plughole. Sometimes is because it is not earthed. As a result, it picks up static from your computer, other gadgets or electrical equipment, and even your body.

One solution is to use a microphone or headset with a USB connection. USB connections insert firmly and do not easily decline as mini-jack connections do. So overall they reduce static.

Examine the hardware and if the speakers are damaged. This is also a reason why you hear static. Plug it into an audio playback device and see if the static noise can still be heard. If the sound persists, then it is most likely a hardware issue. It may be best to find replacement headphones.

Microphone, Active, Talk, Conference, Meeting, Audio

3) Adjust settings and mic positioning

Check the software application setting. Often audio settings are compatible with most devices. Just keep testing. Bring your mic closer to the sound source. About an inch from the side of your mouth will not pick up noise from breathing and your sound is perceived as a much louder sound that can reduce the noise in the microphone’s output signal.

The best microphone position is at least 3 meters or 10 feet away from speakers, amplifiers, and electronic devices. If when you’re speaking into a mic and it sends the audio out of a speaker simultaneously, try moving to another location until you don’t hear any feedback.

This may not perfectly reduce the noise, but it can help refine signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) or the ratio of signal power to the noise power that is corrupting your current signal.

How to make a lavalier mic sound better

4) Check Auxiliary Port Issues

Another cause of static noise is a problem in the audio port of your playback device. Typically this is because the inside of the auxiliary port is dirty and oxidized. Sounds like a simple thing, but when dust and filth accumulate in the ports area, they pose as a barrier that obstructs the way they function. Cleaning the auxiliary port and audio jacks will drive the scratchy static noise away.

If even after all the cleaning actions you still hear the static noise, then it is most likely a hardware issue. Ask a technician or replace your headphones. Make use of your device’s warranty if it is still available.

Microphone, Mic, Vocal, Media, Mike, Speaker, Sound

5) Check Your Gain Controls

Gain is your microphone’s sensitivity. It regulates your amplifier’s input (listening for a signal) and output (produces a louder signal) stages. When you speak in front of a microphone, the mic converts your voice vibrations into a very small voltage that needs to be increased.

The purpose of a gain control is to tune the amp’s input stage and keep noise out of your output. There must be that optimum place in between, where your friend can speak at an extensive range of volumes but loud enough and clearly.

If your gain is too high, the microphone picks up background noise as static sound. It could also be that the other person is distorted and difficult to understand. The mic can bring up audio levels when it is quiet to the point that you get a hiss, as well.

Keep adjusting until the static is out. Might as well turn off your device’s audio automatic gain control. Sometimes, disabling all sound enhancements can alleviate static noise in headphones. This allows you to get rid of the crackling or buzzing sounds altogether.

Gain is a mic’s feature used to get a good input level. So if your mic delivers a very low output signal, the gain will help you boost and get a better level into your audio interface. For example, a synthesizer produces a wide variety of sounds by generating and combining signals of different frequencies; you might need to turn the gain down to stop distorting your signal.

6) Download a noise reduction app

Thanks to technology, you can download a noise reduction app. Now you can enjoy your calls without the sound of people talking or noisy kitchen appliances in your background. Most of these apps are free to download and compatible with different operating systems. If you have the budget, get a more comprehensive package.

With these game-changer apps and software, you can cancel the noise in your background with a click of a button. Just see to it that the app you’re downloading is a noise reduction tool for microphones and not a tool for photography.

The good thing about noise-cancellation software is its ability to filter, augment, and amplify sounds around you and on your device while preserving the original audio signal. The result is an improved quality of audio for you and your listeners.

If you’re using an android device, I think you will like the Sound Amplifier app – enhances audio sounds without amplifying noises. It’s perfect for conference calls, meetings, and classes.

People, Guy, Man, Sound, Music, Headphone, Speaker

7) Get a mic with noise-canceling features

Noise cancellation is helpful in reducing or blocking out background noise. More advanced models are capable of a superior noise-canceling system.

For example, wireless headphones with a mic may not be without a couple of problems but they can amplify and make your voice a lot clearer to your listeners. Using mics with low self-noise such as condensers is the way to go. These are active microphones that introduce noise into the mic signal via active components so static is captured by the mic capsule.

One thing to remember though is that not all headphones with automatic noise canceling (ANC) offer the same capacity for noise reduction. If you have decided to invest in noise cancellation, check how a certain model works. Don’t be afraid to ask about particular details. Research the brand you have in mind, especially when buying online.

8) Surrounding Related Causes

The next most common problem is related to your device’s surroundings. If you are next to a noisy computer where your hard drive seems to keep whirling, chances are your audio will appear to have a lot of static.

Once I was talking to someone on my headset and she suddenly asked me if there was a cricket sound in my place. Of course, there were no insects in my home. This is just an example that any sound around you can be detected by your friend on the other side as noise or static. This is actually not static but is interpreted as such.

It is important to identify static and environmental sound because they are two different things. The best solution is to get yourself a microphone or headset with noise-canceling features. It may not flawlessly improve the sound you hear, but it can amplify and make your voice a lot clearer.

Noise cancellation is proven helpful in reducing or blocking out background noise. This is for you if you are teaching in a room near the street, or a crowded surrounding. More advanced models are capable of higher technology and likewise offer superior noise-canceling features, although they may be a bit to a lot pricey.


To Sum it Up

There is no universal setting when it comes to stopping static noise. Other than human lapses, often it all depends on your microphone’s power, diaphragm, amplifier settings, and overall mic positioning. You may want to try all possibilities of stopping static noise which is great, but sometimes editing the sound may deform your audio in any way.

Therefore, it is best to defeat static with knowledge in dealing with it before it hits your sound. Hope these quick fixes can help you get rid of static noises on your headphones or microphones.

How did you handle static on your mic before? Did it help? Share your experiences here so we all can learn and beat the mic static noise issue. Leave your comments below.