I don’t discount what I can get from this query because it’s a system that I should develop in my classroom to keep it a safe and productive learning environment. Classroom management needs hard work. And I love to share tips on how does classroom management promote student learning. It’s my very first target before I aim to hone my students’ skills and academic abilities. The first thing is first.
Getting students engaged requires the effective classroom management skills of teachers. Managing one’s classroom should flourish with a common goal – promoting student learning. Otherwise, your efforts as a teacher will be for naught.
Classroom management is the engine for smooth-flowing interactions and happenings in the learning place. Naturally, it’s a winning piece for great teachers.
It showcases a teacher’s management skills and goes beyond the school curriculum. I know that learning in the classroom happens in many different ways but with proper classroom management, learning is contagious and profound.
“The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say, “The children are now working as if I didn’t exist.”
– Maria Montessori
That captures it all! I have met the best strategies that empower me to make my students in the classroom active and participative. But if you’re left wanting more, I will share my simple yet practical ways of answering the question, “How does classroom management promote student learning?”
This is quite a challenge especially for new teachers since promoting student learning churns out the biggest chunk of our responsibility as educators of the world.
<<How do you set clear and fair expectations? Do you take care of your classroom management strategies so your students can be at their best to meet expectations?
What is classroom management?
The way teachers manage the overall happenings and activities in the classroom to ensure a smooth flow of instruction for productive student learning is the simple definition of classroom management.
A simple class routine that establishes discipline in the learning place refers to classroom management. When my students want to share their thoughts and give their answers, they have to raise their hands without shouting or calling me for acknowledgment. That’s my way of managing interactive activities and this is already management.
Classroom management is paramount to successful instructional delivery. In fact, it is perceived by teachers as a big challenge. More oftentimes, it is a difficult facet for newly hired teachers and even those who have been in the teaching field for a long time.
Each school year offers a different scenario in the classroom because its stability will depend on the kind of learners present in the classroom. This calls for in-depth adjustments to classroom management tactics.
How does classroom management promote student learning? 7 Enriching Tips You Deserve to Know
For a newbie or a pro, classroom management means the same thing but is executed differently. A strategy may not work in one class but works in another. That is why teachers should never stop hunting an array of teaching strategies and decide what best works in a particular classroom.
I know that classroom management is quite a broad topic but I simplify things and decide what’s doable or not so I certainly know where to begin. Thus, I am here sharing awesome tips as my enriching answers to the question: How does classroom management promote student learning? Let’s see what’s in my bag!
1. Classroom management maintains discipline
A classroom where there’s a consistent application of the teacher’s management skills mirrors discipline. If discipline in the classroom is maintained, the delivery of instruction will be successful
Good things happen if our students know how they should conduct themselves in the classroom. Learning won’t foster if students don’t know how to keep their balance. This calls for a great skill from a teacher. Establishing some rules in the classroom makes the students aware that actions and behavior matter.
When there’s discipline, students are guided very well and can become independent. They can lead their own learning perspectives. If students are provided with the ‘right pattern’ of doing the things expected of them, things will flow smoothly. Coming to school early and doing the assigned tasks is an insinuation of deep-seated values that result from self-discipline.
Student misbehavior will surface automatically on the teacher’s radar and be controlled properly if discipline strategies are transparent to all. Moreover, the implementation of classroom management impacts students’ performance and promotes learning.
Productive interactions will come in handy if students value discipline and are aware of the rules and consequences. When the rules are enforced, students are trained to obey and to show respect thus an antagonistic learning environment is avoided. This way can help students learn and perform to their fullest potential.
2. Classroom management ensures student-centered learning
Asking students to make meaning of their own learning experiences by taking the center stage of the learning arena is highly impactful on their performance as a whole. Having the students as the center of the educative process, teachers are able to meet the needs of each individual learner. I know that it’s one of the most difficult aspects of teaching, but with the implementation of effective classroom management strategies, this can happen.
Effective classroom management ensures the increased performance of students if it’s consistently implemented. Having a student-centered classroom, students’ independence is highly emphasized. Hence, the teacher’s specific classroom management strategies do make sense.
Accordingly, in my classroom, I acknowledge student-centeredness as one of the purposes of education. Consequently, my students develop the capability of managing their own behavior and begin to take ownership of their own learning.
3. Classroom management provides equal learning opportunities to all learners
It is amazing to see students who take active participation in learning. For me, all my students are qualified for any learning opportunity. Also, as their teacher, I highly value equity in education and I’m giving them equal opportunities to increase their performance and be productive.
Being aware of the learning styles of my students, I am able to make certain modifications in my classroom management strategies to cater to them all.
As the manager and facilitator of learning in the classroom, I consider myself an equitable teacher. For example, a certain learning competency requires varied activities to give equal opportunities to my diverse learners, I give them varied exercises on the thread of the same learning objective.
Clearly, my classroom management strategies make a huge difference in the day-to-day interactions of my students. As they access learning equally, I am giving them the opportunity to succeed.
4. Classroom management emphasizes class norms and expectations.
Our students should know what is expected of them right from the start. It’s the backbone of discipline. Classroom expectations should include not only academic concerns but also classroom behavior expectations. It’s definitely an important part of classroom management.
Through specific expectations, classroom norms, and attainable rules, students know how to conduct themselves. It is, therefore, necessary to set expectations beforehand. Since we are responsible for the safety of the learning environment we should establish clear classroom expectations with our students. Let them be involved so they will understand what things should be like in the classroom. This will greatly impact the learning outcomes of the students.
The clear parameters we communicate with our students will not only lay the foundation of classroom discipline but also intensify student motivation thus student learning is promoted.
5. Classroom management creates community
Classroom management can never be challenging for us teachers if we build rapport with our students. As we are dealing with an assembly of 30 to 40 learners in public secondary schools, we need to implement proper decorum in order to increase student participation.
As we establish a strong relationship with our learners, they feel the friendly learning environment we create. As a result, our students get motivated to learn at their best.
Creating a community in the classroom is deeply enhanced by our classroom management strategies. Moreover, with this endeavor, we are promoting collaborative learning in our students, thus it signifies them as the center of the teaching and learning process.
6. Classroom management makes learning fun and productive
A well-managed classroom leads to joyful learning experiences for the students. Teachers can make learning fun!
It depends on our ways of engaging them in our lessons. Our students might also get challenged as they try to meet the set deadlines but we can still make them feel at ease through our friendly stature.
Incorporating hands-on experience, exploration, and collaborative learning will make learning fun and our students will enjoy working with their peers.
Giving them the opportunity to lead discussions and to perform certain jobs in the classroom will not only boost their confidence but will also make them happy. As they are involved in the class activities, they feel our concern and our confidence in their capabilities. This is a great way to make learning fun.
Furthermore, how we make learning fun and productive is of course part of our classroom management. By using cooperative learning strategies, our students will develop strong social skills that help them establish a good relationship with their peers. Hence, they’ll find the school a friendly place to be.
7. Classroom management increases student engagement
With our strong classroom management skills, our students will heighten their self-esteem and get motivated to create their own learning experiences. The more students are encouraged to participate, the more engaged they are.
Now, the question is, how do I do it? How do I increase student participation? Should I monopolize the discussion and always put a bar to where my students are?
For most teachers, giving out lectures could mean boredom to students. Therefore, it’s very necessary to modify lessons and incorporate hands-on activities where students take active participation and work together.
Another way of increasing student engagement is by incorporating technology into the classroom. Our Powerpoint presentations, educational video lessons, and amazing learning apps can help meet our students’ instructional needs in a very interesting manner. Of course, we won’t be able to do this if we don’t give ourselves an upgrade to techy gadgets. We should not be left out with what’s techy and innovative.
Still worried about disruptive children? Watch this video and get insights from Debbie Breeze.
In Essence
Classroom management is crucial to student learning. It doesn’t need a theoretical approach but a strong application of a teacher’s strong classroom management skills.
An effective classroom management plan will make a huge difference in the students’ performance. Implementation in the classroom will ensure that learning is going on. It’s the key to promoting student learning, I should say.
With this, I would love to hear from you. How do you make your efforts in the classroom turn out for the best in the end? Let me know your thoughts on how to make your students focused on learning?
Extend underneath and I would be very glad to read your recommendations.
It’s interesting to know that teachers would say that classroom management could be a challenge since it is important for successful teaching delivery. With that in mind, professional development for teachers should be non-stop. It would be beneficial if teachers would have regular training and workshops, especially that children change through different generations.
Thank you Mia,
Yes, professional development for teachers is so important. Also participating in PLC’s regularly can be helpful to overcome challenges in a classroom.
Without the right classroom management strategies, student learning is very limited.