Tips for Cleaning Classrooms – 10 Fun But Powerful Techniques

Keeping the classroom clean is every educator’s priority. In fact, in the face of the COVID-19 crisis, efforts have been tripled to ensure the health and safety of learners. Other than preventing the spread of illnesses, you also want to create a compatible learning culture where the whole class unites to keep the environment a pleasant one.

Here are tips for cleaning classrooms fast and with fun.

hand holding a spray

In general, getting a clean class environment requires fostering good habits about keeping the classroom clean. Meaning, it can double the challenges of a teacher’s job.

The strategies below will help improve your classroom cleaning routine. All you need is to lead your class, upgrade your approach, and make the work not only fun but a productive part of everyone’s day.


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Cleaning, Disinfecting, and Sanitizing 

What Are Their Differences?

Cleaning basically eliminates dirt from surfaces or objects. Using soap and water physically washes away germs to prevent spreading infection.

Sanitizing uses chemicals that clean surfaces and lowers the number of germs to a safe level. This process is not intended to kill viruses.

Disinfecting is what kills germs. The use of chemicals added to cleaners stops the germs on surfaces and objects. However, this process does not remove the germs after cleaning but can further lower the risk of spreading infection as well.


Tips for Cleaning Classrooms – The Power Techniques

Cleaning, Service, Hand, Clean, Sponge

Appoint Time for Cleaning

Set routines for cleaning not only at the end of the class but multiple times a day. For example, picking up litter after break time or lunchtime, or making sure desks and chairs are clean from food particles that can accumulate bacteria in the long run. Everyone will be conscious in no time.

Involve Your Students

When students are involved in cleaning up, the task becomes a part of their day. Eventually, they will adopt the habit of having a clean space because they love the feeling. The more they nurture a love for a fresh-looking space, the more they develop a positive sense of self and responsibility towards their surroundings.

Practice a “Clean Your Zone” System

One great opportunity to remind and train learners about sanitation in the classroom is to begin within their own zones. The desk and chair and the space within a child’s reach are his personal zone. This is great every after the class, recess time, activity, and any time in between that you see need some refreshing up. Soon, they will see to it that their zones are spotless.

Clean Tables and Chairs Daily

With a number of students going in and out of the classroom every day, dust can accumulate and sit deeply on furniture. This includes pops of air coming from shoe dust, and carpet fluff, including food and beverage spills. Provide everyone with a 100% environment-friendly cleaning rag.

Do it with colors. I highly recommend the Swedish cellulose sponge cloths.

Mobile, To Disinfect, To Clean, Hygiene

Don’t Forget to Disinfect

Cleaning reduces dirt but when followed by disinfection stops impurities and germs at once. It is best for the prevention of Covid-19 and other viral respiratory illnesses. Surfaces that are often touched by hands like doorknobs, light switches, phones, computer keyboards, mice, and a desktop sharpener are recommended for disinfecting schedules.

Be an Example of Cleanliness

Take advantage of this and help your class form good habits while they’re still such enthusiastic learners. You can even be more creative by finding more ways for them to participate like piling up their bags uniformly, sorting books/notebooks perfectly aligned, or simply picking up toys and returning them to the box.

Empty & Disinfect Trashcans Daily

No matter how clean your classroom, the trash can contains all the day’s garbage that may attract ants, roaches, and mice. Definitely, it will accumulate bacteria. The easiest way to ensure you’re discouraging mold growth is to empty the trash can as often as possible. To eliminate germs and odor, make sure it is totally empty before disinfecting.

Garbage Can, Garbage, Bucket, Green

Allow Students to Be Creative

Some of your learners may have organizing and cleaning styles they learned from home and this can add value to your system – let them show it. For example, one may suggest color-coding like a green box for pens, red for crayons, etc.., or setting a time limit for sorting things up after a class. Here, you might get innovative ideas you never tried before.

Stock Cleaning Supplies

If your classroom has a ready supply of cleaning supplies, cleaning up is easy. By safely and effectively using the right supply – they help you maintain a clean and germ-free classroom. From washable rags to brooms, sanitizers, and disinfectants, these items will help you and your class get rid of and fight against nasty bacteria that can lead to illness.

Make Cleaning Fun

The fun here means tricks. For example, assign group assignments. The girls can gather all loitering supplies and return them to their places. The boys can be assigned to straighten desks, chairs, tables, bags, and anything else that blocks the way. Keep chores small and realistic. Inexperienced students will eventually learn this routine and embrace being organized and clean.


Curious about cleaning classrooms at the end of the year? Watch this video.


To maintain a highly-organized learning space, you certainly need the above tips for cleaning classrooms. When your place looks topsy-turvy, the messy ambiance is so off-putting both to you and your students.

Maintaining the level of neatness from the first hour down to the last hour of the day leaves jumble and disorder no excuse to stay. If you involve the entire class, then it adds weight and fun to your campaign.

You may encounter problems on the way, but eventually, everyone will begin to clean up their own mess and/or develop the habit that they don’t need to bother someone else to do it for them.

Did you enjoy the tips? Fun, isn’t it?

Do you have other tips for cleaning classrooms? You might love to share it in the comments. It would really be great!