What Is The Art of Teaching Pedagogy? 5 Absolutely Inclusive Pointers

Teachers are to assist children to learn, discover, and develop life skills. They use effective strategic schemes so that learners develop the yearning to love learning. This I see is a very important topic.

exploring the art of teaching pedagogy

What is the art of teaching pedagogy? One might be curious because teaching has been known as a highly demanding profession. Yet, with all the things piling up, teachers are able to hone students’ potential and help them succeed. Are you curious about how teachers do it?


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Teaching is an art. Anatole France once shared that “The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards.”

And so, we will talk about it today. Let us now begin.

What Is The Art of Teaching Pedagogy?

To instill the art of teaching pedagogy in our realm, let’s ponder on these thoughts:

“More important than the curriculum is the question of the methods of teaching and the spirit in which the teaching is given.” – Bertrand Russell, British philosopher

What makes for a truly great teacher is the ability to plan and manage classroom climate and students’ perception of learning through effective teaching methods and strategies. It’s about internalizing the art of making students learn so that they become successful.

The realization of academic goals and specific learning objectives is because of the art of teaching pedagogy. For the perfect appreciation of the art of teaching pedagogy, let’s borrow meaningful from great people and we’ll begin from there.

“I have come to believe that a great teacher is a great artist… Teaching might even be the greatest of the art since the medium is the human mind and spirit.” – John Steinbeck, an American writer.

Every year, as teachers, we are to attend in-service training and seminar workshops which give us opportunities to enhance our teaching skills and share best practices. And what for?

With our aim to adopt alternative teaching strategies that will promote student engagement and performance, we are awakening young minds to become creative and critical thinkers. And it’s done with great enthusiasm.

The art of teaching pedagogy includes developing students’ 21st-century learning skills namely: critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication.

Furthermore, as we enhance our pedagogies we also nurture in students’ literacy and life skills. All these are possible with the art of teaching pedagogy.

With it, we mold learners who are literate in terms of information, media, and technology. Likewise, with the adoption of effective methods in teaching, we train the students so they are able to develop life skills such as flexibility, leadership, initiative, productivity, and social skills.

This we can see that the art of teaching pedagogy has created a lot of successful people and professionals. Then, it’s not just a catchphrase after all.

a teacher is playing with her pupils

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk

“We need a pedagogy free from fear and focused on the magic of children’s innate quest for information and understanding.” – Sugata Mitra, an Indian computer scientist and education theorist.

As we have explored techniques to make the learning environment a safe and accommodating place for our learners, then this kind of pedagogy has been a practice ever since. Then, you ask me why?

A learning environment built on mutual trust and respect nurtures myriad talents and skills. Brilliant minds sprout. Growth mindset springs up.

Developing inclusive learning in the classroom magnifies children’s curiosity about things. They become more engaged in their quest for information and understanding as they bloom in a supportive learning space.

Choosing teaching strategies that promote inclusive education helps increase student autonomy. In so doing, learners are given the best chance to take on challenges without being afraid of failing. They take risks and become resilient because they are aware that they belong to a safe learning environment.

This pedagogy helps the learners how to deal with problems in the classroom. Without being afraid of ridiculers and negative criticisms, learners boost their confidence and excel better.

“A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love for learning.” – Brad Henry, an American lawyer and politician

With the appropriate pedagogy, we are able to inculcate in the learners a great love for learning that they become creative and develop critical thinking skills.

The awareness we created helps learners to make use of the knowledge and skills they learned to change their perspectives for the better. And the inspiration we give can reinforce positive behavior in the classroom which leads to behavioral change.

Hence, the teaching profession is more than just making kids learn different subjects through facts and information. It’s more than that.

In order for children to succeed, as teachers, we must not only teach them the facts or feed the cognitive domain but also offer a sense of optimism – a spark of hope.

By demonstrating to them that they are capable of achieving anything,  they turn their attention to achieving goals for themselves by being creative.

As we are able to inspire hope and ignite the imagination, we are also most capable of instilling a love for learning. Children will love school and stay engaged in successful learning. I know this is what we want for them.

Thus, we should be mindful of the pedagogy we use to ensure that our learners develop a sense of hope, become creative, and never hate school.

“The art of teaching  is the art of assisting discovery.” – Mark Van Doren, an English professor and literary citic

Learning leads to discovery. And our role is to guide our students on how to do it and not plainly tell them what they should discover.

By trying hard enough, we can help the children discover and care about their studies. Then learning becomes fun and exciting.

When our learners have tried it once, when they’re able to discover something, they get more engaged about what they do and soon likewise discover their potential.

With my years in teaching, I really experienced having learners who were adamant to learn new concepts because they found lessons hard to grasp.

But with the best application of effective strategies in teaching, students discover new principles and ways of learning challenging concepts. Thus, they become flexible and persevering. The simple methods they discover give them extra satisfaction that motivates them to do well in other subjects.

This means, to my understanding, that when students are guided but not being spoonfed are more likely to discover new concepts. They should be permitted to make correlations so they make discoveries.

In a Nutshell

Pedagogy is the method of teaching. It facilitates the learning process by fostering learning activities through collaborative and discovery learning.

Moreover, with pedagogy, we can create a more stimulating learning environment as we incorporate varied teaching strategies that support student diversity.

As a theory and best practice, pedagogy helps us boost student engagement and likewise,  makes us more confident to teach children with unique differences.