What Kind of Teachers Are Most Needed? 5 Best Qualities of a Great Teacher

Setting things straight, with the revolutionary classrooms today, what kind of teachers are most needed? They are thin on the ground, but I know they are just everywhere waiting to be noticed and appreciated. Their amazing deeds are praiseworthy! They are very hardworking.

qualities of a great teacher

Teachers – the noble professionals

Teachers are the advocates for greater change not only in the education system but more so in the lives of the learners.

Hence, teaching has been considered the noblest of all professions. For great emphasis on the highest demand for teacher’s services all over the world, we should ponder on the thought of what kind of teachers do we need.

You are in the right place to check on the best criteria that characterize great teachers for they are what we extremely need. They are most needed by our children to capacitate them for life by helping them discover their full potential to be the best that they can be.

And, this requires the noble work of a teacher.

If teaching is your career path, then let’s celebrate, for we are among the ‘change enablers’ in society. The most appropriate training and the certification we gained are just secondary to our primary set of skills in handling students knowing how diverse they are.

Equally important, we need to upgrade ourselves with the latest trends in education so we maintain our bearing of upholding greater change in the lives of our students.

Definitely, our effective means in promoting high-quality education make a difference and can make us great teachers.


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Hence, allow me to present the profound characteristics of great teachers that you should get inspired by. I am not challenging you to act like one, but I encourage you to be consistent with your best teaching practices and set exceptional changes in the lives of your learners.

What Kind of Teachers Are Most Needed? 5 Best Qualities of a Great Teacher

Here is a parade of amazing descriptions of the teachers that we most need. Aside from being a proponent of change, the teachers that we most need are those who play many roles yet never lose sight of their utmost priority – high-quality student learning.

Let’s dive deeper into each one of them and get inspiring details that you can take hold of.

1. Great teachers are passionate.

Passionate teachers teach with enthusiasm.

If you dream of being in the teaching profession, make sure that it’s not only your choice but also your passion. Remember, not everyone has the passion to teach. It’s very rare.

No matter how well-versed you are in the significant requirements in teaching, it will all be for naught if you don’t have the passion to teach. Great teachers are considered such because it’s their passion to touch lives and to make a difference. They have the appetite to perform their roles beyond what is expected of them.

Great teachers have a strong inclination to help students go to school every day, even the most underprivileged ones. These teachers are willing to sacrifice their most precious time and offer it to those whom they really care and are passionate about – their learners.

Passionate teachers love to work with their students and help them improve and succeed.  Their optimum conviction about teaching is considering it as an inspiration and a mission rather than just a self-fulfilling job in the market of professions.

Teachers who teach with passion yield enormous results that help maintain high-quality student learning. Their commitment and dedication to teaching are incomparable.

2. Great teachers are altruistic.

Altruism in teaching means highly motivated acts of concern for the students.

Rather than seeking self-aggrandizement, altruistic teachers always delve deeper that their efforts would make sense. They stay more connected to their learners and act as guides in the entirety of successful student learning.

The altruistic behavior of great teachers bequeaths the strengthening of their relationship with learners. The more they create stronger relationships with their learners, the more they are provided the opportunities to make a huge difference in their lives.

Altruistic teachers have high regard for student learning, hence, their strategies are exceptional which exhibit genuine progress in their students. It’s not just about professional growth, but they are more impactful in classroom learning and in their behavior management skills.

Altruistic teachers devote their time to selfless teaching. Their ways are amazing and they are phenomenal educators in the world.

3. Great teachers support student learning.

Great teachers highly support student learning. They are working hard to give students the best instructional delivery. Hence, great teachers really prepare and execute from the heart.

If it means updating one’s self of techy gadgets and delving more into technology to make class presentations interesting, a great teacher never hesitates to set out to enrich herself or himself.

Enhancing student learning requires genuine care for learners so they build trust and confidence in themselves and in their teachers. Thus, I say, great teachers really care for the improvement of learners.

Their good practice of encouraging students to get involved in teaching and learning creates a meaningful impact on students’ resilience.

And, according to Maya Angelou’s words, “This is the value of the teacher, who looks at a face and says there’s something behind that and I want to reach that person, I want to influence that person, I want to encourage that person, I want to enrich…”

Although teachers face enormous challenges, their effective teaching strategies never fade out. Their exceptional determination in making students learn and improve remains consistent despite the differences in students’ backgrounds.

In fact, they have marvelous ways of dealing with them which really deserve appreciation.

4. Great teachers are content experts.

Mastery of the subject matter should never be ignored. As they say, one can’t teach well what he doesn’t know. A teacher’s expertise in content should not be undermined. Because, if it’s worn away, students’ knowledge is deeply affected.

The teacher’s expertise in content should be a big part of the equation of effective teaching and learning. Moreover, instructional delivery itself is an important factor to be considered.

Because aside from the welcoming attitude of teachers in the classroom, their mastery of the subject matter being taught is one of the keys to a successful learning environment.

As always, the knowledgeable teacher always matters. This is termed by Dr. Dennis Kwek, a senior lecturer, as the “instructional core.” He magnified this concept when he was once invited to the editorial board of the American Educational Research Journal.

According to him, “To understand the instructional core, we look very closely at how teachers work with students in helping the latter acquire knowledge.”

Great teachers amplify effective ways of how to conduct their lessons to make them very interesting to students. Certainly, these teachers promote interaction in the classroom that helps students acquire knowledge and skills in an enjoyable and interesting manner.

5. Great teachers are adaptive to sustainable change in education.

Change is constant, and so it is also expected in education. Great teachers always display adaptive behavior and a flexible attitude towards sustainable change in education.

Their great optimism makes them rise and pursue what’s best for the students and for their professional growth.

Sticking to one pedagogy all the time for years is dread. Effective teaching isn’t like that.

Knowing that there’s no one size fits all strategy, a great teacher has the power to do better. These teachers highly consider diversity in learning and never stop on one pedagogy only.

For effective teaching, great teachers collaborate and share best teaching practices and give inspiration to one and all.

Being actively involved in student learning, great teachers always find ways to keep their students engaged and motivated. These people in the education system always welcome sustainable change in education.

In fact, among the great advocates for transformational change in the educational system is Ms. Julie Wilson, the founder of the Institute for the Future of Learning. She continues to help school leaders embrace change in a deeper context and with greater efficiency through ‘practical framework and human-centered tools and resources.’


We need great teachers. Their amazing ways are truly commendable. The big transformation they can offer to the learners has been initiated by their passion to teach.

This article doesn’t tell you the recipe for how to be a great teacher, but it does tell you how to be one. In the words of Robert Sternberg, “There is no recipe to be a great teacher, that’s what is unique about them.”

Now, if you worry about being a great teacher, it means that you already are a great one!

Thus, if you’ve reached this part of the page, notably, you have a deep interest in being among the teachers we most need.

Personally, I am very interested too.  Hence, I have shared my piece.

Feel free to comment below on your teaching interests and perhaps let’s connect and collaborate. Our students need us, the world needs our altruistic acts.