What Makes a Happy Class with You as the Leader?

We know that the environment plays a big role in the life of a student. The same applies to a classroom where he or she spends almost all days learning. As a teacher, have you asked yourself what makes a happy class?

This post will give you exciting ideas to help make your classroom not just bright and beautiful but warm and friendly, too!

making writing collaborativeAs Mr. Webster defines it,

The classroom provides a space where learning can take place uninterrupted by outside distractions.

Just like the productivity of people who are happy where they work, the classroom where students walk into each day also contributes to efficient learning. When each student is charged with positive vibes, high energy is assured.

As an educator, you have the capacity to foster a positive learning culture. If your classroom is full of positivity, it provides an environment that leads to wonderful learning results.


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What Makes a Happy Class?

yellow smiley emoji on gray textile1) A Happy and Welcoming Classroom

Schooling keeps students away from their homes and at the same leaves them with a feeling of being on their own. A welcoming classroom erases this fear. By keeping this idea in mind, you can create an environment where students feel valued, belonged, and safe.

A happy and welcoming classroom engages and challenges the class in meaningful ways. It has the ability to make them feel comfortable that draws them to feel like they are next to home.


2) Practicing Stillness & Stretch Zones

It is a well-known fact that mindfulness can improve students’ mental health. Creating moments of stillness and stretches offers time to break, focus, and breathe.

It may be a little time for quietness or movement where the class can enjoy “quieting” the mind or drilling the body. These things are key facets of happy school life. Allowing students to use their strengths in novel ways significantly makes them happier. This might help you spot the strengths of your class.


3) Clean and Neat Surroundings

Those tiny flecks floating around your classroom, the pops of air coming from shoe dust, carpet fluff, clothing fibers, or maybe animal dander from shoes, will bring a filthy smell when they accumulate.

But clean and washed floors, polished tables, and chairs, including clean rugs, not only bring productive teachers but a class who is excited to come to school every day. The fact that it prevents dust and germs, also reduces absenteeism, especially for students who are allergic to dust.

a preschool classroom with pink curtains

4) An Uncluttered and Organized Space

One reason why an uncluttered space makes a happy class is that everything around is in order. Clutter affects the mood which leads to losing the ability to focus.

For students, there’s nothing like finding test papers, activity notes, folders, and small items all filed and placed in their respective slots. This is the power of organizing — a designated place for everything. The result is a contented frame of mind and a jolly learning disposition.


5) A Bright and Beautiful Ambiance

A charming classroom is contagious. It beautifies everything as well; mind, feelings, thinking, and relationships. Calming colors, simple decors, good light sources, wide windows, and a spacious learning space are qualities of a good learning ambiance.

A beautiful classroom fosters a desire to be present each day. It influences mood, performance, and engagement. When your class feels happy, their brains perform with delight and influence beauty as well. It boosts movement and discourages lazy behavior.

woman holdi bouquet of flowers

6) A Kind and Happy Teacher 

People strongly say that great teachers make their class feel valued, safe, and loved. This is a part of every student’s success that goes beyond academics.

Finding perfection in a teacher might not be possible. But acts of concern, thoughtfulness, empathy, care, and patience offer a wonderful feeling of optimism that increases energy. Kindness helps students feel good. It’s a teacher attribute that gives delight to students’ senses and establishes a trust that they are not alone.


7) Friendly and Tribal Atmosphere

Each class may be composed of different personalities and cultures. A teacher who taps into students’ tribal instincts likewise balances life inside the classroom through a friendly unified atmosphere.

Students are happier and actually learn more when they feel safest. Modeling friendliness and being kind to everyone can be the comfort blanket that every student may need to feel reassured. Here, you empathize and create harmony for the entire class.


8) A Leader That Models Good Living

You as the leader can create happiness in the classroom by modeling what good life should be. Looking after yourself and being a positive role model for well-being will have the class follow your lead.

It’s simply about setting boundaries for work, lectures, assignments, play, exercise, talk, and fun time. Showing what makes healthy eating, correct studying habits, good manners, and the right way to treat others also show the class that they too can do the same. Happy students will bring joy and enthusiasm home.


9) A Group that Laughs and Plays

When everyone’s tasks and goals for the day are done, when challenges are met, and when skill levels are achieved — everyone deserves a bonus. Don’t you think this is one quality of what makes a happy class?

Investing some time for fun class activities, humor time, funny storytime, eating time, sharing time, playtime, or simply talk time allows students to get social. Develop a positive rapport with them if you want to have happy students. That can even strengthen the teacher-student bond.



Teachers who can establish a sweet balance between hard work and fun will not only produce smart students but a happy class, too. Simple actions along with ensuring focused learning greatly contribute to achieving successful schooling.

These efforts do not even require financial input on the part of the teacher, but some leadership, inspiration, and time management. When the results of your efforts lead to more engaged and focused students, it makes you happier knowing that your class is happy having you as their teacher.

I hope you enjoyed reading our tips on what makes a happy class. Do you have something to add? Feel free to share them in the comments.