10 Effective Strategies on How to Increase Student Performance in Online Learning

One edge of online learning is the opportunity to enhance a student’s academic performance. The internet offers a lot of custom help that accommodates almost everything a teacher and student need for success.  Hence, we develop strategies on how to increase student performance in online learning.

As students navigate virtual classrooms, educators and parents must work together to ensure optimal student performance in this digital arena. Recognizing online learning’s revolutionary potential, this thorough guide reveals eight practical tactics for increasing student engagement, motivation, and, ultimately, performance.

I’m glad that you’re here with me as we delve into the 8 effective strategies for how to increase student performance in online learning.

increasing student performance

Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash

The education workforce is delving into the vast opportunities and challenges online teaching and learning holds for our students.

Student engagement is indeed one of the challenges during online learning. Improving students’ performance is one of my greatest concerns and it calls for effective online teaching practices.

Successful online teaching means increasing student’s performance otherwise it will be a useless effort.

Delving into a nuanced understanding of the unique dynamics inherent in virtual education, these strategies offer a roadmap for educators, parents, and stakeholders to foster an enriching online learning environment. Join us on a journey that transcends the conventional boundaries of education, exploring innovative approaches that empower students to thrive in the digital age.


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How to increase student performance in online learning

10 Effective Strategies on How to Increase Student Performance in Online Learning

1. Establish Clear Learning Objective

As educators, we play a crucial role in shaping the learning experience for our students. To enhance this role, we must actively engage in the process of establishing clear and well-defined learning objectives for each module.

By collaboratively developing these objectives, we ensure that both teachers and students share a common understanding of the intended outcomes, fostering a cohesive learning environment.

To guide students effectively, we must establish clear learning objectives for each module. Clearly defined goals provide students with a roadmap, helping them stay focused and motivated. Moreover, transparent objectives create a sense of purpose, making the learning experience more meaningful.

When crafting learning objectives, we should strive for specificity and relevance. Clearly articulating what students are expected to learn enables us to align our teaching methods and assessments accordingly. This alignment ensures that every instructional activity is purposeful and directly contributes to achieving the predetermined learning goals.

2. Use Interactive and Multimedia Content

Dull and static content can hinder student engagement. Integrate interactive elements, such as quizzes, discussions, and multimedia materials, to make the learning experience more dynamic and immersive. Videos, simulations, and virtual labs can breathe life into the curriculum, appealing to diverse learning styles.

As educators, we recognize the pivotal role that interactive and multimedia content plays in enhancing the learning journey for our students. By incorporating a variety of engaging elements into our teaching approach, we aim to create a dynamic and immersive educational experience.

One effective strategy is to integrate quizzes and discussions seamlessly into our lessons. These interactive elements not only provide immediate feedback to students but also encourage active participation and critical thinking.

Through well-designed quizzes, we can assess understanding, identify areas that need further clarification, and adapt our teaching methods accordingly. Furthermore, fostering discussions among students promotes collaborative learning, enabling them to share perspectives and learn from each other’s insights.

3. Update Teaching Pedagogy and Style

How can we dynamically deliver content and enhance interactive learning?

It was with deep gratitude that I came across Pearson’s 9 Strategies for Effective online teaching and I was able to get incredible tips on how to go about online teaching without overthinking the perfect ways.

Getting started with an online environment is less daunting if we are ready and are prepared with our best online teaching pedagogy. Yet yours may not work with all types of learners but there’s always room for collaboration with other teachers. Our concern is not only about making meaning with content but also about offering the best learning experiences for our students.

Online remote teaching needs to be interactive to keep students engaged and connected. With this in mind, I have to take a careful review of varied online teaching pedagogies and styles to accommodate diverse learners.

As I go over and master content, I have to design different ways to deliver it to my students in a way that will create interactive learning experiences. Moreover, the student’s performance will be determined best using different interactive assessment tools.

4. Use the Most Appropriate Platforms

using appropriate online learning platforms

Do you think a single online platform will accommodate all types of learners and instructional activities?

Online learning platforms provide a tool for both students and teachers to keep schooling on course. Even though teaching and learning happen behind screens, teachers can still make use of small group discussions.

Both parties can participate using Google classroom, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Group chats, WhatsApp, Google Meet, and many more online tools.

“If you want to teach people a new way of thinking, don’t bother trying to teach them. Instead, give them a tool, the use of which will lead to new ways of thinking.” – R. Buckminster Fuller, author, inventor, architect, futurist

Using the best communication tools for online delivery of instruction could mean heightened sensitivity to different student learning styles. These tools maximize our teaching time and make working from home not stressful at all.

5. Choose a Reliable Technology, But Never Expect It to Be Perfect

Are you aware of technology’s strengths and weaknesses?

Even though the technology is quite advanced nowadays, it’s never a guarantee that the online paradigm of learning will be smooth flowing all throughout. Laggings, slow connections, bandwidth issues, and no connectivity will happen.

In our time today where everything heavily runs on the internet, a slow connection can already hamper time. Now that it’s possible for all of us to get the right internet speed for our needs, we would want to speed up our connection first.

Technical flaws are expected to happen so get ready to troubleshoot and create supplementary learning materials for these technical imperfections so you will not get too overwhelmed.

It’s only reasonable to consider not only the essential features of technology, but also the cons that can cause disruptions at any time. As you can see, this new learning environment relies too much on the advent of technology. It is just fair to expect the unexpected and avoid getting disappointed.

The trick is to be equipped with the right technology tools.

6. Be Ready to Build Community

How to build strong relationships with students while behind screens?

In the online environment, teachers have to extend ways to reach out to students and create a space for them to interact with one another to develop socio-skills.

As you go along with your synchronous live sessions, always delve into the individual personalities of your learners by always getting them involved and connected and not separated.

To keep track of my students, I encouraged them to always reach out through chatting, deepened questions, and answer portions through Zoom or Google Meet. I let them use the snap camera at times so they will enjoy and have fun learning.

Building rapport with my students flourishes not only because of the platforms used but by the genuine care and passion I have shown. It’s the best ingredient to let your students know that you are always there at the end of the line. I do my best to respond to each one of them and for me it’s essential.

7. Magnify Your Presence

magnify your presence online

How do students feel that there’s somebody behind the screen who guides and leads them?

Within an online discussion, I address the individual concerns of my students as much as possible. This is a way of magnifying my presence so they will be confident that they are served with the best learning experiences relevant to their interests.


Duquesne University shares incredible tips on how to establish an online teaching presence that involves the teacher as the designer and facilitator of the online course.

By letting the students know that you are there to lead and to guide their educational experience will be impactful on their being. Your personality and your teaching style should always leave a good impression on your students. Let it be intentional and creative.

8. Combine Asynchronous and Synchronous Learning

uninterrupted online learning

How to make online learning uninterrupted?

Asynchronous learning delivery pertains to instructional activities that happen without real-time interactions. On the other hand, synchronous learning is an online instruction that happens in real-time and involves live interactions.

From my standpoint, I am more confident with the perfect blend of live discussions and recorded video simulations. Since live presentations can be affected by internet connectivity, it’s just right and proper to prepare recorded video presentations for our students and get in touch with asynchronous learning delivery.

Prerecorded lessons can help students master a certain skill at their self-pacing mechanics anytime. This is one of the most distinctive features of asynchronous learning which can be a solution to bandwidth problems in a live session. It’s always a good thing to have the resources to go back to just in case.

9. Set Expectations and Norms

Face-to-face learning is always set with expectations and norms right from the beginning of classes. But, what about online education?

Even though students will be more active behind screens through online education, teachers should not underestimate the importance of setting class expectations and norms.

Since remote learning can happen synchronously or asynchronously, you need to put your students first by anticipating learner variability through active experience.

Developing norms promote engagement and accountability. For example, establishing signals during lectures facilitates taking turns and avoid everyone from talking at the same time. Signals could be “mute” when not speaking, “thumbs up” for something correct, or “raise a hand” for questioning.

Establishing a clear set of expectations and norms as you set in will highly benefit your student’s success in learning. Your students should know what to expect in the new learning environment and should be guided by what you expect from them.

10. Motivate Students and Be Flexible

motivate students properly

Why does motivation always matter?

To promote the active involvement of your students in an online setting, although they can’t see you physically, your strong determination to teach should be felt by your students. Your passion and dedication motivate your learners to do their best too.

“Correction does much, but encouragement does more” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Your students should be recognized and valued; hence, you get them involved!

Your teaching styles should best encapsulate your encouragement and flexibility. Remember, you are not in a traditional setting anymore and your physical presence is not accessible. So, can you support your online learners?

Although in a streamlined setup, you can still give updated feedback and it’s critical for student’s learning so they will know how they are and where they are.

In practice, I am sensitive to my student’s ways of perceiving instructions as they are very diverse. Some of them learn best through visual presentations while others are hooked more on audio instructions. Therefore, using a variety of teaching methods in online education always rings a bell.

Watch this video and get delighted with how to improve online learning.

It’s a wrap-up!

As online education is getting more accessible at this time, teachers have to be ready to give students equitable access to learning.

Because online learning is flexible, it has a high impact on the advancement of one’s career. The quality of learning experiences for students now depends on our dedication as teachers.

We should extend our efforts in crafting enriching lessons for our students to increase their participation and performance. In doing so, our enthusiasm to teach will inspire our learners and they will become more productive and successful.

Modern teaching has no limits. Therefore, our efforts can augment the employability chances of our students in this digital age.