What Are Some Fun Ways to Teach Handwashing to Children

Why is hand washing so important? Tell your little learners that washing their hands will help keep them from getting sick. It may seem like a minor thing, but handwashing can have a big influence on a child’s health. So together let’s find out what are some fun ways to teach handwashing to children and maintain a safer and healthier life at school.

hand washing Washing hands may be old school but it’s a great measure to keep young and old alike safe from disease. It also helps prevent the spread of respiratory and diarrheal infections. Children must see that with unwashed hands, germs can spread from person to person when they:

  • Touch their faces, eyes, nose, and mouth
  • Touch the food they eat and their drinks
  • Touch objects or surfaces that have germs on them
  • Sneeze, cough, and blow their nose; and then touch other people’s hands or common objects

Washing hands is a foundational hygiene skill. If you want your students to learn hygiene and become independent with it, make sure to give handwashing some time and attention.

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Problems You May Encounter with Kids About Handwashing

Toddler Hand, Hand, Finger, WaterThere are some kids who never remember to wash their hands and may need to be constantly reminded, over and over again. Some impetuous children occasionally want to play with water and soap. Frequent handwashing over an extended length of time may have an adverse effect on the skin, causing dryness and other disorders.

Children may have difficulties and struggle to follow this simple handwashing activity in a variety of ways. Some children may even hate the feeling of water on their hands, the long rubbing with soap, or carrying out the steps.


First, Here are Some Tips for Teachers 

Free vector graphics of Tennis ball Fondly talk to your class about how handwashing makes the easiest they can do to protect themselves from any disease. It’s understandable that they may have to get their hands wet many times during the day. However, germs may be lurking in fingernails and one of the best ways to get rid of them is by washing their hands.

Free vector graphics of Tennis ball Remain calm and lead the handwashing practice with jolliness. Reacting with anger can turn the scenario from a straightforward reminder into a more significant behavioral issue.

Free vector graphics of Tennis ball Keep reminding the class about why everybody has to wash their hands and let that story elaborate that soap and water can shield everyone from germs that other people might have. Kids would love to hear about going home to their families, baby brothers, and sisters free from any type of germs.


How to Help kids practice handwashing naturally

Hand Washing, Soap, Wash, Hygiene, Clean

#1 Model It

When kids observe their parents, siblings, teachers, or other role models regularly washing their hands, it’s practically a given that they’ll want to emulate them. Additionally, they would readily cooperate if you explained to them that the regulation is in place for everyone’s safety.

Stubbornness and resistance are to be expected, though, but with a jolly teacher doing it often, you’ll be able to create subtle authority instead of engaging in a force-force situation. Show them all the fun ways to wash their hands to somehow create excitement.

#2 Hang Pictures or play video

Print a variety of cartoon handwashing images, and switch them out daily. Play a hand-washing tutorial video for them to watch as they wash their hands. Watching the video or gazing at the photo will be enjoyable for children. For them, viewing various images and movies is a ton of pleasure.

#3 Speak creatively in a kids’ language

Even experts say that encouraging in a very encouraging, friendly, and specific way makes it easy for young learners to understand a point. Giving real-life examples like “Washing your hands is required because just like taking a bath before going to school, it makes a part of school life.”

#4  Practice with a lot of play

Children learn through play and they practice their emotions when they are having fun. For example, assign different groups every day to help, remind, and guide the class when it’s time to wash hands.

#5 Use Fun Scents Every day

Give kids the freedom to try out several hand soap smells. In addition to sounding pleasant, the tranquil scent also calms their senses. In actuality, it can also lower anxiety. Of course, keeping different smells at different times of the day is also entertaining. I’ll make sure they’re anticipating things.

#6 Give them the freedom to bring their own hand soap.

Children are forced to abide by the law. How about allowing them to bring their preferred hand soap? They are able to combine creativity and their enthusiasm in this way. Encourage parents to think about supplying hand soap to promote the wellness activity.

#7 Use the Power of Glitters

Mix glitter and hand soap. Just the thoughts of glitters that spark as they rub while washing is totally entertaining. Who would be lazy to miss this amusing break time?

#8 Choose the best times for the class handwashing together

This is related to snacking where the entire class needs to feed themselves. Initiate washing of hands after science experiments or other group activities. Your class will automatically instill that practice into their system.

Here’s what CDC has to say about proper handwashing. Watch the video.


To Sum It Up

Typically, kids follow what adults do. If at the beginning they understand the significance of handwashing then it wouldn’t be hard for them to get used to the system. Let them adhere to your school’s rules and regulations about health and safety.

The key to creating excellent habits is consistency. The practice gets more comfortable and simple as kids gain proficiency in this hygiene skill. Neither getting ill nor making someone else ill is enjoyable. The ideal approach is still to strengthen the defenses of youngsters.

What about you? How do you go about handwashing in your classroom?  Share your ideas in the comment.